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2020   DFM    book  is now   also   KNOW  as   the


for   universal   needs    for


Design   for   strictness,  innovation, &

optimizing    everything





This 600 page book adds what the publisher says is already the definitive work on
 product development
 and now the Second Edition adds 100 new and unique pages that
have never been published before, thus resulting in the following: 

Thorough manufacturability can be  complete products in h
alf the budget with
  savings ranging from half to one-tenth in nine categories (3.8). 

Research and early product development start with  Manufacturable Research (3.9), that optimizes concept/architecture (3.3.9), assures part availability (3.9.7) and  process availability, (3.9.10),  achievable tolerances (3.9.8), and  avoids work force challenges ( on hard-to-build products  (3.9.9), all of which can start providing  immediate scalable, commercialization results. The design process emphasizes   thorough up front work (Chapter 3) in   complete multi-functional tams (Chapter 2) that cane  quickly scale up production without limits, delays, or extra cost (4.8)) to   avoid shortages by design by design.

Product development improvement champions and implementers will also benefit from Section 3.11 (and its 10 sub-sections) on  generating interest in designing better products for manufacturability.   All this can be applied right away on a project team (11.7) in its own micro-climate (




New 2020 book to be published June 2, 
which can be pre-ordered now AT: 

"Design for Manufacturability: How  to Use Concurrent Engineering to Rapidly Develop Low-Cost, High-Quality Products for Lean Production," Second Edition (690 pages, Productivity Press)



Design for Manufacturability: How to Use Concurrent Engineering to Rapidly Develop Low-Cost, High-Quality Products for Lean Production is still the definitive work on DFM – this second edition extends the proven methodology to the most advanced product development process with the addition of the following new, unique, and original topics, which have never been addressed previously. These topics show you how to:      

·       Cut cost from 1/2 to 1/10 in 9 categories -- with ways to remove that much cost from product charges and pricing.

·       Commercialize innovation --  starting with Manufacturable Research and learning from the new section on scalability, you will learn how to design products and processing equipment to scale quickly to any growth levels.

·       Design product families that can be built “on-demand” in platform cells that also “mass customize” products to-order

·       Make Lean production easier to implement with much more effective results while making build-to-order practical with spontaneous supply chains and eliminating forecasted inventory by including updated chapter on “Designing  Products for Lean Production.”

 The author’s 30 years of experience teaching companies DFM based on pre-class surveys and plant tours is the foundation of this most advanced design process. It includes incorporating dozens of proven DFM guidelines through up-front concurrent-engineering teamwork that cuts the time to stable production in half and curtails change orders for ramps, rework, redesign, substituting cheaper parts, change orders to fix the changes, unstable design specs, part obsolescence, and late discovery of  manufacturability issues at periodic design reviews. This second edition is for the whole product development community, including:  

·       Engineers who want to learn the most advanced DFM techniques  

·       Managers who want to lead the most advanced product development  

·       Project team leaders, who want to immediately apply all the principles taught in this book in their own micro-climate

·       Improvement leaders and champions who want to implement the above and ensure that the company can design products and versatile processing equipment for low-volume/high mix product varieties    

 Designing half to a tenth of cost categories can: avoid substituting cheap parts, which degrades quality, and encourage standardization and supply chains supply chains, which will encourage Lean initiatives.  Using cellular Manufacturing to shift production between lines for mixed production of platforms and build-to-order to offer the fastest order fulfillment can beat any competitors’ delivery time.  

Complete Table of Contents for DFM book is at the end of this page.

To enquire about public and in-house DFM seminars and webinars, fill out the form.


"Build-to-Order & Mass Customization; The Ultimate Supply Chain Management and Lean Manufacturing Strategy for Low-Cost On-Demand Production without Forecasts or Inventory,"  by David M. Anderson, (2008, CIM Press, 512 pages).  To view the complete table of contents or order, click here for the books page at and consulting based on this leading-edge methodologies are available now through Dr. Anderson’s Mass Customization consulting and Mass Customization seminarsA overview of the approach can be found in the article Build-to-Order.

Free BTO book, signed by the author, for US callers.  Just call Dr. Anderson at 805-924-0100 (after 8:30 am Pacific) for a free assessment of how much these methodologies can help your company

To order the BTO book, go to this book's order page at

Many product scenarios has been worked out for several industries and will be published later in "The Build-to-Order & Mass Customization Case book."  These specific methodologies are available now for Build-to-Order consulting and Build-to-Order seminar clients.Advances in Product Family and Product Platform Design


(pages 589-604 )

Dr. Anderson's "how to" chapter from the  forthcoming book, "Advances in Product Family and Product Platform Design,"  shows how to develop product families, "Building, Supplying, and Designing Product Families." can be downloaded now for $29.95 at the Springer Publishing site at



Dr. Anderson also wrote the first "how to" book on Mass Customization: "Agile Product Development for Mass Customization; How to Develop and Deliver Products for Mass Customization, Niche Markets, JIT, Build-to-Order, and Flexible Manufacturing," by David M. Anderson, with an introduction by B. Joseph Pine II, published by McGraw-Hill in 1996 is now out of print.  The book has been printed in a Chinese translation (simplified character Mandarin) from McGraw-Hill's Singapore office:

Link to book description and used book order links at .




Dr. Anderson was asked to write a Chapter 6, "QFD and Designing for Manufacturability and Customization," in the QFD Handbook, by Jack B ReVelle, John W. Moran, and Charles A. Cox (1998, John Wile, 410 pages)


The Society of Manufacturing Engineers asked Dr. Anderson to write the opening chapter, "Design for Manufacturability," for its Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Handbook, Volume VI, on Design for Manufacturability, (1992. Fourth Edition, SME)


In 1983 Dr. Anderson wrote an essay on “The Future of Robotics” in the Industrial Robotics Handbook, by V. Daniel Hunt (1983, Industrial Press, 432 pages)

Dr. Anderson can be reached at 805 924 0100 (Pacific Time Zone) or e-mail:


Table of Contents of 2020  DFM book, second edition:

Design for Manufacturability: How to Use Concurrent Engineering
to Rapidly Develop Low-Cost, High-Quality Products for Lean Production" Second Edition;
Published by Productivity Press, 2020

(Sample  TOC entries:   Red  and italic type  below indicate unique or not puibhed anywhere else)

Section I Design Methodology

Chapter 1 Design for Manufacturability............................................ 3

1.1 Manufacturing before DFM
1.1.1 What DFM is
1.1.2 Comments from Company DFM Surveys
1.2 Myths and Realities of Product Development
1.3 Costs, When they Are Determined
1..4 Designing for Low Cost9
1.5 Time-to-Market, Cutting it in Half
1.6 Roles and Focus.
1.7 Resistance to DFM
1.8 Arbitrary Decisions
1.9 Design Time, Reducing it with DFM
1.10 Engineering Change Orders
1.11 Do it Right the First Time
1.12 Strategy to Do it Right the First Time
1.13 Benefits of DFM for the Company
1.14 Personal Benefits of DFM
.15 Conclusions of DFM Intro.

hapter 2 Concurrent Engineering................................................... 37

2.1 Resources
2.2 Resource Availability, Ensuring
2.3 Portfolio Planning for Products
2.4 Parallel and Future Projects
2.5 Designing Products as a Team
2.6 Vendor/Partnerships
2.7 DFM for Aerospace and Defense
2.8 Changes Late From Customers and Specs
2.9 Co-location
2.11 Outsourcing Engineering.
12 Product Definition..

Chapter 3 Designing the Product.................................................... 115

3.1 Design Strategy
3.2 Thorough Up-Front Work, Importance of......
3.3 Architecture/System Design, How to Optimize.
3.4 Part Design Strategies.
3.5 Design for Everything (DFX).
3.6 Creative Product Developmen
3.7 Brainstorming
3.8 Half-Cost Product Development
3.9 Manufacturable Research
3.10 Commercialization
3.11 Generating Interest in DFM

Section II Flexibility

Chapter 4 Designing for Lean & BTO............................................. 197

4.1 Lean Production
4.2 Build-to-Order
4.3 Mass Customization.
4.4 Developing Products for Lean, BTO&MC
4.5 Portfolio Planning for Lean, BTO&MC
Low-Volume/High-Mix, Designing fo 4.7 Platform Family Design & Manufacture
4.8 Scalability
4.9 Modular Design
4.10 Offshoring and Manufacturability.
4.11 Lean and BTO&MC Value

Chapter 5 Standardization............................................................... 239

5.1 Part Proliferation
5.2 Part Proliferation Cost
5.3 Part Proliferation, Why it Happens
5.4 Part Proliferation Consequences
5.5 Part Standardization Strategy
5.6 Early Standardization Steps
5.7 Zero-Based Approach
5.8 Standard Part List Generation
5.9 Part Standardization Results
5.10 Raw Materials Standardization
5.11 Standardization of Expensive Parts
5.12 Consolidation of Inflexible Parts
5.13 Tool Standardization
5.14 Feature Standardization
5.15 Process Standardization.
5.16 Encouraging Standardization
5.17 Reusing Designs, Parts, and Modules
5.18 Off-the-Shelf Parts
5.19 Procurement, New Role Needed
5.20 Standardization Implementation



he book Table of Contents has 814 entries in four levels, two of which are shown in four sample chapters above.

The Index is fullly cross-indexed with 2511 entries, with unique or never-before-published topics in italics, as is also done in the Table of Contes.  This is especiallly useful for people upgrading from the 2014 first edition.


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