Index for "Design for Manufacturability, Optimizing Cost, Quality, and Time-to-Market," Second Edition, 2001


Ability, as word suffix
        Assembleability, 15, 164, 173
        Customizability, 19, 65
        Manufacturability, 1, 6, 13, 163, 179, 271
        Recycleability, 21
        Reliability, 206
        Serviceability, 13, 215, 224
        Testability, 13, 175, 267
        for parts and tools, 165
        for test instruments, 176
        sub-assemblies, 219
Accounting, cost, traditional approach
        deficiencies, 142
        distortions in product costing, 143
        irrelevance for decision making, 144
Activity Based Costing (ABC), 141
        cost drivers, 149
        existing cost systems, 154
        implementation effort, 155
        implementation, easy method, 157
        implementing ABC, 154
        implementing approaches, 147
        low-hanging-fruit-approach, 149
        resistance to, 154
        results of implementation, 158
        tracking R&D expenses, 156
Adding options, 165
Adding upgrades, 166
        elimination of, 174
        making in product, 218
        protection of, 218
Agile product development, 61
Agility, 59
Analysis, statistically significant, 9, 10
Anderson's law, 104
Approval, 281
Arbitrary decisions, 5, 25, 26
        and part proliferation, 77
        examples in NPD, 26
        importance of, 51
        optimizing, 54
Architecture optimization, 7
ASICs, 53
        ease of, 15
Assembly motion
        screw fastening, 170
Assembly motion guidelines, 173
        adjustment easy, 174
        adjustment independent, 174
        adjustments, avoid, 174
        alignment, design for, 173
        cables, minimize, 174
        cables, minimize types, 175
        calibration, avoid, 174
        certifications, independent, 174
        tests, independent, 174
        tweaking, avoid, 174
Assembly motions guidelines, 173
Assembly order, 165
        minimizing errors, 232
Assembly strategy guidelines, 164
Asymmetry guideline, 183
Auto-feed screwdrivers
        as a standard process, 94
        choosing fasteners for, 169
        guideline, 169
Automatic handling, tolerances, 191
Automatic soldering, 257
        for PC boards, 252
        gripping guidelines, 193
        handling by, 190
        load capacity, 193
        parts presentation, 192
        use greater with DFM, 11
Automation guidelines, PC boards, 261
Availability, 223
        of factory, 11
        of spare parts, 217
Average quality level, 203
Awards, 286
Batch-size-of-one, 61
        in mass customization, 66
        DFM program, 272
        modular design, 70
        of DFM, 10
Block tolerances, 189
Boeing, customers on design team, 39
Brainstorming, 30
        rules of, 30
Bread-truck deliveries, 168
Breadth of product line, 18
Breadtruck automatic resupply, 102
Breadtruck resupply, cost savings, 132
BTO (build-to-order), 61
Build-to-order, 61
        cost reduction from, 128
        supported by standardization, 102
Building block modules, 69
Building parts on demand, 61
Bulk parts tangling, 191
Cables, minimizing types, 175
        shifting to/from flexible lines, 131
Capacity, production
        doubling by doubling utilization, 130
Capital, working, 128
Captivated lockwashers, 171
Captivated washers, 170
Captive fasteners, 170
        information in, 110
        organization, 109
Catalog hardware interfaces, 69
Catalog parts, 104
        availability, 111
        cost savings, 105
        finding, 108
        specials, 107
        standardization effect, 104
        time savings, 106
        awareness, 108
        design guidelines in, 110
        information in, 110
        sources, 108
Cell manufacturing, 60
Champion, 273
Change orders, 27
        cost over time, 28, 124
        minimizing cost, 124
        total cost basis, 146
        cost of, 27
        forced by other changes, 8
        numbering, 281
Checklist formats, 279
Checklists, 278
Chrysler, suppliers like partners, 127
CNC, designing for, 64
CNC milling, designing for, 93
Co-location, 28
Combining parts
        criteria, 181
        for fastener elimination, 172
    guideline, 181
Commonality, 82
        fastener guidelines, 167
        guidelines, 179
        PC boards, 259
        tools for repair, 216
Compaq, expanded space thru inventory reduction, 130
Competitive advantage,
        of time-to-market, 19
        optimizing workloads, 131
Compliance, 287
Computer Aided Design
        in modular design, 69
Computer simulation, 9
Concept decisions, 54
Concept optimization, 7
Concept simplicity
        key to reliability, 206
Concepts, DFM, 1
Concurrent engineering, 37
        for build-to-order, 64
        for flexibility, 64
Configuration, cost, when reactive, 128
Connections to sub-assemblies, 220
Consolidation of parts, 64
        and time, 27
        misconceptions about, 4
        realities about, 5
Continuous improvement, 126, 199
        for complex products, 206
        standardization's role, 101
Cooper, Robin, 142
        capital equipment, 11
        design consideration, 14
        designed in, 117
        minimizing overhead, 120
        myths about, 5
        of part proliferation, 76
        per part number, 76
        product introduction, 73
        traditional measures, 118
        when committed, 7
Cost distortion, 142, 143
Cost distortions, estimating degree, 146
Cost drivers, 149
Cost management, 145
Cost of changes, 27
Cost of quality
        defects by the batch, 125
        minimizing, 125
        more than assembly, 125
Cost of variety
        for parts, 75
        minimizing, 129
Cost reduction, 115
        avoiding diagnostic tests, 123
        avoiding reinventing the wheel, 122
        batches, eliminating cost of, 125
        bills of materials, 136
        breadtruck resupply, 132
        build-to-order contribution, 128
        build-to-order savings, 134
        change orders, 124
        configuration costs, 128
        cost accounting difficulties, 145
        cost of changes, 116
        customization costs, 128
        debug cost, 123
        difficulty with poor costing, 145
        distribution costs, 133
        easy implementation, 157
        ECOs, 124
        engineering change orders, 124
        expediting costs, 157
        expensive inventory, 136
        false perceptions, 94
        field service, 132
        finished goods inventory, 134
        flexibility contribution, 128
        floor space, 130
        from catalog parts, 122
        from faster NPD, 123
        from flexibility, 73
        from more efficient NPD, 123
        from product extensions, 123
        from teamwork, 121
        hard to after design, 116
        how not to achieve, 116
        how not to ala Lopez, 126
        inventory carrying cost, 135
        inventory elimination, 129
        inventory write-offs, 136
        kitting elimination, 131
        lean production contribution, 128
        life cycle costs, 134
        marketing, 133
        mass customization, 128
        materials management, 132
        myths about, 116
        non-value-added costs, 125
        not from low-bidding, 117
        not from off-shore production, 117
        part overhead, 132
        phasing in better products, 126
        product development, 120
        purchasing costs, 132
        quality costs, 125
        resources better applied, 117
        sales costs, 133
        setup labor, 130
        spare parts logistics, 132
        supplier cost, 132
        supply chain costs, 134
        thru design, 117
        thru standardization, 95
        transportation, internal, 130
        utilization improvements, 130
        variety costs, minimizing, 129
        WIP inventory elimination, 129
        with DFM, 10
        with purchased parts, 105
Cost, inventory carrying, 135
Costs, overhead
        allocations, 143
        distribution, simplistic, 143
        quantifying, 142
Counters, 224
Creative product development, 28
Creativity, 28
Crosby, Philip
        cost of quality %, 125
        "Quality is Free," 127
Cumulative effects
        on product quality, 202
Custom parts from vendors, 110
Customer preferences in QFD, 48
Customers on design team, 39
Customers' needs, 18
Customization, 19
        cost of when reactive, 128
Cutting tools, minimize variety, 185
        how to set, 43
        often set arbitrarily, 26
Decision making
        enhanced by relevant numbers, 144
        relevance: good costing, 144
        based on total cost, 122
Defects "by the batch", 125
Defects per million, 202
Definition, DFM, 1
Delivery, design consideration, 14
Dell Computer's build-to-order
        transitioning first to new, 36
Deming, Edward
        4th point, part quality, 197
        9th point, teamwork, 197
        for maintenance, 224
        to minimize errors, 228
Design considerations, 13
        balance, 22
        consequences of ignoring, 22
        environmental, 20
        factory, 14
        marketing, 18
        responsibility, 22
        social, 17
        traditional, 14
Design for Assembly, 15
        software, 15
Design for fixturing, 184
Design for Manufacturability
        benefits, 10
        definition, 1
        summary, 1
Design for repair, 215
Design freedom, 25
Design guidelines
        in catalogs, 110
Design of experiments, 189
        and robust design, 198
Design of Experiments, 10
Design philosophy, 13
Design review deadlines, 43
Design reviews, an alternative, 43
Design team leader, 41
Design teams, 37
Design time, resistance to DFM, 27
Designing flexible products, 66
Designing for manufacturability, 6
Designing in quality, 196
Designs, implementing, 31
        benefits, 10
        definition, 1
        resistance, 4
DFM capabilities, 31
DFM concepts, 1
DFM products
        appropriate overhead charges, 144
        ability to, 215
Diagnostic tests
        how to avoid, 39
        how to avoid need, 123
        when needed, 16
        optimizing with GD&T, 201
Disconnect features, 216
Discounted overhead, 286
Disposable parts, 217
        build-to-order cost savings, 133
        design consideration, 16
        minimizing costs, 133
        revolutionized by build-to-order, 16
Do it right the first time, 8
        strategy, 8
        tools, 9
Dock-to-stock delivery, 60
Downtime, 223
Downward spirals
        caused by poor costing, 145
Drucker, Peter
        minimizing interstitial costs, 127
        on supply chain costs, 134
Duplicate parts
        eliminating, 80
        problems for lean production, 80
        problems with mass production, 65
Early effects of design, 7
Ease of assembly, consideration, 15
        cost over time, 124
        minimizing cost, 124
        total cost basis, 146
Elastic pins, 173
Empowerment, 43
        compensation for poor costing, 149
Engineering change orders, 27
        cost of, 27
        cost over time, 28, 124
        minimizing cost, 124
        total cost basis, 146
Environmental design considerations, 20
Equipment cost, lower with DFM, 11
Ergonomics, design consideration, 17
Error avoidance
        PC boards, 266
Error prevention
        alternatives, 233
Error reduction, 228
        commission, 229
        omission, 231
        sequence, 232
        timing, 233
Errors of commission, 229
Errors of omission, 231
Expansion, design consideration, 19
Expediting costs
        one-third in JIT, 157
Experience in factory, 32
Factory availability, 11
Factory experience, 32
Factory improvements, 2
Factory works on team, 40
Fastener commonality
        guidelines, 167
        PC boards, 260
        captive, 170
        geometry of, 169
        reduction of, 167
        snap-on, 172
        use of fewer but larger, 167
        use of minimum, 167
Fastening guidelines, 167
        auto-feed screwdrivers, 169
        captive fasteners, 170
        combining parts, 172
        lock-washers, captivate, 171
        nuts, minimize, 170
        press fits, 173
        self-tapping, 171
        snap together, 172
        standardization, 167
        tool standardization, 168
        torque setting standardization, 168
        washers, captivate, 170
Fastening strategy, 168
Feature standardization, 92
Federal Express
        inventory-less deliveries, 135
Feedback, 275
Field data, 276
Field service
        problems from part proliferation, 76
Finance role on team, 40
Finished goods inventory
        cost minimization, 134
Fits, tolerances for, 173
Fixtures, versatile, 64
Fixturing, designing for, 184
        for flexible operations, 184
Flexibility, 59
        value of, 71
Flexible manufacture, for PCB, 255
Flexible manufacturing, 102
        and group technology, 72
Flexible parts, 192
Flexible product development, 61
Flexible products, how to design, 66
Floor space
        cost of, 130
        minimizing, 130
Floor space reduction, 72
Flow manufacturing, 60
Focus, 24
Follow-up, 287
Ford, Mustang development
        empowerment, role of, 43
Ford, Taurus
        designers talking to customer, 31
Forecasts, eliminating the need for, 61
Freedom of design, 25
Function, design consideration, 14
Fuses, 219
Future designs, design consideration, 20
Future projects, 44
GD&T, 201
General Dynamics
        cost variation of similar parts, 69
General Electric
        supplier's view of standardization, 95
General Motors
        results of Lopez "cost cutting", 126
Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing, 201
Goal, The; Goldratt, Eli, 128
        DFM program, 271
        optimizing real goals, 128
        what achieves, 24
Goldratt, Eli; The Goal, 128
Gripping parts, 193
Group technology
        for PC boards, 255
        PC boards, 263
Grouping rules & guidelines, 280
Growth, Surviving, 3
Guideline, definition, 277
Guideline numbering, 163
        assembly strategy, 164
        parts, 179
        past problems, understanding, 164
        PC board components, 258
        PC boards, 258
        product design, 164
        specific processes, 182
        standardization, 179
Guidelines for part design, 179
Handling by automation, guidelines, 190
        parts within gripper span, 193
        automated screwdrivers, 95
        cost driver implementations, 152
        fastener display boards, 98
        software debug strategy, 123
        supplier standardization, 93
        supply chain initiatives, 134
        tracking R&D expenses, 156
Hoffman Engineering
        build-to-order plant, 65
House of quality, QFD, 49
Human factors, 227
        design consideration, 17
        FPA threshold: no diagnostics, 123
        threshold for diagnostics, 39
        threshold for no diagnostics, 177
Idea generation, 30
Implementation, DFM program, 283
Implementing designs, 31
Incentives that reward quality, 201
Industrial Design, consideration, 18
Industrial designer role, 39
Industry Week best plant survey, 38
Infant mortality phase, 211
Institutes of Management Accountants
        studies on cost distortions, 143
Integration of silicon, 53
        standardization results, 88
        variable material overhead, 151
        varying mat'l overhead rates, 97
Interfaces between parts
        elimination of, 181
Interference fits, tolerance, 173
        asset of liability?, 128
        eliminating, effect on cost, 129
        reducing WIP, 72
        write-offs, eliminating, 136
Inventory carrying cost, 135
Inventory dilemma
        of mass production, 66
Inventory elimination, 61
Inventory reduction, 60
        at dealers, 135
        finished goods, 70, 102, 135
        from build-to-order, 135
        from modular design, 70
        from parts standardization, 100
        supply chain, 135
        work in process (WIP), 129
Inventory, finished goods
        cost minimization, 134
        resolution of, 45
        to be resolved early, 46
Job rotation, 32
Johnson, H. Thomas, 142
Jones, Daniel T., 59
Judgement, 280
        and flexibility, 72
        and group technology, 72
        and standardization, 75
        benefitting from standardization, 100
        delivery of fasteners, 168
        for PC boards, 255
        based on total cost, 147
        compensate, missing numbers, 148
        in spite of usual numbers, 148
        qualitative, 148
Kaizen, 126
Kanban for linear materials, 91
Kaplan, Robert, 142
justification approach, 148
Keiretsu and cost, 127
        eliminating costs of, 131
        how to eliminate, 66
Leader of design team, 41
Lean production, 59
        benefits, 60
        cost reduction from, 128
Lean retailing, 17
Lean Thinking book, 59
Learning relationships, 133
Learning trades, 33
Levi's custom jeans
        inventory savings, 133
Lexmark model
        linear vs. concurrent, 51
Life cycle costs, minimizing, 134
Linear materials standardization, 180
Lockwashers, use of, 171
Lopez, J. Ignacio
        real results of "cost cutting", 126
Lot size
        reduction, 72
Lot size reduction, 102
Low cost, myths about, 116
Low cost product development, 115
Low cost, how not to achieve, 116
        encouraged by poor costing, 141
        problems with at GM, 127
Low-hanging-fruit for ABC, 149
Machining, same setup, 201
Machining in the same setup, 185
Maintenance, 222
        designing for, 224
        measurements, 223
        minimizing need for, 224
        preventative, 222
        unscheduled, 222
        using modules, 225
Make of buy decisions, 107
Make or buy decision, 107
Make/buy decisions
        biased by accounting, 126
Management support, 273, 285
Managing "by the numbers"
        irrelevance of, 144
Problems without, 2
Manufacturing, understanding, 32
Manufacturing on design team, 38
Market changes, quickly adapting, 131
        cost, acquiring new customers, 133
        minimizing costs, 133
Marketing role on team, 38
Markets, expanding scope of, 65
Markets, export, customizing for, 65
Mass customization, 65
        cost reduction from, 128
        design consideration, 19
        spectrum of, 65
Material overhead rates
        varying for standard parts, 97
Materials standardization, 89
Matrix management, 42
Mazda, shifting production, 131
Mean response time, 223
Mean time to repair, 223
Measurements, maintenance, 223
Memory, eliminating dependence, 231
Minimizing cost, 115
        thru design, 117
        ways to, 117
Minimizing risk, 22
Mistake-proofing, 228
MKS instruments, kanban example, 91
Modular design, 69
        and flexibility, 67
        benefits of, 70
        in engineering, 69
        in manufacturing, 69
        in repair, 218
        strategy, 69
Modules, 69
Motivation, 284
Motivation for DFM, 3
MRP systems, 83
Multiple project coordination, 40
Murphy's Law about NPD, 4
Myths about product development, 5
National Semiconductor
        FedEx inventory-less deliveries, 135
Niche market customization, 65
        causing part proliferation, 77
Not-invented-here syndrome, 68
Nuts, use of, 170
Off-shore manufacture
        encouraged by poor costing, 141
Omission errors, 231
One-piece flow, 60
Options, making easy to add, 165
Order of assembly, 165
Organizational structures, 42
Organizing DFM program, 272
        avoiding wrong, 230
        maintaining, 191
        of parts, 190
Outsourcing, and cell manufacture, 61
Over the wall, 42
Over the wall syndrome, 2
Overhead, on parts, 105
Overhead allocation
        arbitrary nature of, 26
Overhead cost, allocations, 143
Overhead costs
        effect on part cost, 104
        minimizing , 120
        quantifying, 142
Overhead rate
        proportional to real overhead, 141
Overhead, material
        varying for standard parts, 97
Overload protection, 219
Ownership, 273
Packaging, design consideration, 17
Parallel projects, 44
Part availability
        at points of use in plant, 75
Part consolidation, 64
Parts, make differences obvious, 229
Part guidelines, 179
        asymmetry exaggerated, 183
        combining parts, 181
        cutting tools minimized, 185
        differences obvious, 184
        fixturing, design for, 184
        linear materials, standardize, 180
        machined in same setup, 185
        optimal tolerances, 184
        part types, minimize, 179
        parts, total, minimize, 180
        pre-finished materials, 180
        process guidelines, parts, 182
        right/left parts, avoiding, 182
        rule of ten, 185
        sources reliable, 185
        standardize design features, 179
        standardize parts, use, 179
        symmetry, 183
        tooling complexity, minimize, 184
Part listing, 81
Part procurement, without forecasts, 62
Part proliferation, 75
        and contract manufacturing, 78
        and mergers/acquisitions, 78
        and part minimum weight fallacy, 78
        cost of, 76
        duplicate parts, 79
        eliminating duplicates, 80
        examples, 75
        qualifying part families, 78
        results of, 79
        understanding the need, 77
        why it happens, 77
Part reuse studies, 68
Part type reduction, 81
Part types, minimizing number of, 179
        designed by suppliers, 111
        disposable, 217
        floor stock, 98
        independently replaceable, 165
        pre-qualification, 98
Parts orientation, 190
Parts presentation to automation, 192
Parts standardization
        guideline, 179
Preferred part lists, 82
        better-than substitutions, 83
        how to generate, 83
        new generation parts, 84
Pareto sorts, 83
Philosophy, tolerances, 188
Philosophy of design, 13
Pilot design team, 287
Pins, elastic, 173
Plant layout, 72
Platforms, product, 64
Plug-in modules
        in maintenance, 225
Poka-yoke, 228
Pollution, design consideration, 20
Pre-finished materials, 180
Preferred part lists
        consolidate duplicate parts, 84
        consolidate tolerances, 85
        education, 86
        issuing the lists, 86
        ordering the list, 85
        results, 88
        small % of old lists, 88
        strictness of enforcement, 87
Preferred parts, 82
Press fits, tolerances, 173
Preventative maintenance, 222
        distorted by cost distortions, 143
        overpricing, 143
        underpricing, 143
Principles, PC board DFM, 252
Printed circuit boards, 251
        automation guidelines, 261
        manufacture, 251
        quality guidelines, 265
        standard equipment, 256
Process guidelines, 182
Process order, minimizing errors, 232
Process standardization, 94
Process yield, PC boards, 254
Processes, understanding, 32
Processing, of sub-assemblies, 166
Processing pollution, consideration, 20
Procurement, without forecasts, 62
Product cost distortion, 142
Product appearance, consideration, 18
Product architecture
        importance of, 51
        optimizing, 54
Product customization, 19
Product definition, 47
        to minimize cost, 122
Product design, strategy, 163
Product development
        hindered by cost systems, 141
        less risk if faster, 124
        myths, 5
        realities, 6
        undermined by poor costing, 144
Product Development Teams, 6
Product failures, 11
        causes, 2
        without DFM, 11
Product families, 66
Product flow improvements, 72
Product guidelines
        assembly direction, 164
        assembly order, 165
        assembly, designed for, 164
        fabrication, designed for, 164
        options, added easily, 165
        parts independently replaceable, 165
        past problems, understanding, 164
        processing, designed for, 164
        subassemblies, 166
        tool access, 165
        upgrading, 166
Product introduction, 106
        quicker, 72
Product line breadth, 18
        from group technology, 70
Product line rationalization, 16
Product platforms, 64
Product pollution, consideration, 20
Product portfolio planning, 64, 120
        balanced criteria, 121
        based on real profitability, 120
        product families, 120
        rational decisions, 121
Product recycling, consideration, 21
Product style, design consideration, 18
Production capacity
        doubling by doubling utilization, 130
Production transition, quicker, 11
        how to double, 60
        lowered by part proliferation, 76
        distorted by cost distortions, 143
        high for customization, 65
        identifying money losers, 147
        relative, 26
        understanding current, 120
Profitability, relative, 146
        as product planning tool, 146
        enhancing with early release, 19
        enhancing with life extensions, 20
Proliferation of parts, 75
Protection of parts, 219
Prototyping parts, 106
Publication, 282
Pull signals, 61
Purchased parts, 104
        cost savings, 105
        finding, 108
        specials, 107
        standardization effect, 104
        time savings, 106
        leverage, 100
        sub-assemblies, 167
Purchasing delays, how to eliminate, 61
Purchasing leverage, 100
Purchasing on design team, 38
QFD, 47
        how it works, 49
Quality, 195
        average level of, 203
        better for standard parts, 95
        continuous improvement, 199
        cost of, minimizing, 125
        cumulative effects, 202
        design consideration, 15
        design right, 1st time, 198
        designing for, 195
        designing in, 196
        documentation, 201
        external, 125
        goal, primary, 196
        guidelines, 196
        improved with DFM, 10
        incentives, 201
        internal, 125
        most effective way to achieve, 6
        non-value-added, 125
        parts, chosen for quality, 197
        past quality problems, 196
        predictive model, 205
        problems without DFM, 2
        processing, optimize, 197
        product definition, 196
        simplifying design, 197
        simplifying processing, 197
        strategies, 205
        teamwork's role, 197
        tolerances on target, 200
        tolerances within spec, 199
        TQM culture, 196
        worst case, 198, 199
Quality example, cumulative effect, 203
Quality feedback, 275
Quality Function Deployment, 47
        how it works, 49
Quality guidelines, PC boards, 265
Quality improvement
        from group technology, 72
        from inventory reduction, 72
        from rapid feedback, 72
Quality strategies for products, 205
Quick disconnects, 216
Rapid prototyping, 10
Rationalization to cut part variety, 62
Rationalization of product lines, 16
Raw materials standardization, 89
Raychem Corporation
        mastering implementing, 31
Re-inventing the wheel
        how to avoid, 67
Re-usable engineering, 67
Realities about product development, 6
Recycling, 21
Redesign, less chance with DFM, 11
Redesigns, 8
Regulatory compliance, 40
Reinforcing loops
        caused by poor costing, 145
Relevance Lost, The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting, 142
Reliability, 206
        burn-in, 210
        computer models, 207
        concept simplification, 206
        connections, electrical, 209
        design consideration, 15
        design features, proven, 208
        designing in, 206
        electronics, 209
        failure mode analysis, 207
        flex cable, 209
        goal of design, 207
        guidelines, 206
        infant mortality phase, 211
        inherent, 206
        installation, 208
        measurement of, 210
        measurements, 210
        minimizing errors, 208
        mistake-proofing, 208
        modules, pre-certified, 208
        packaging, 208
        part selection, 207
        parts, proven, 208
        past problems, understanding, 207
        phases, 211
        phases of, 211
        Poka-Yoke, 208
        processes, proven, 208
        repair limits, 210
        shipping, 208
        simplicity, 206
        simulations, 207
        sockets, 209
        soldering by hand, 209
        wearout phase, 211
Removal aids, 219
        damage, 218
        ease of, 16
        removal aids, 219
Repair tasks, 216
        designing for, 215
        easy to perform, 216
Resistance to DFM, 25
Resistance to DFM, 4
Resources, drained without DFM, 2
Responsibility, 273
Responsiveness, 72
Results, group technology, 68
Retaining rings, 172
Return on Investment (ROI), 147
        problems without total cost, 147
Reusable engineering, 69
        conveyed clearly, 230
        ensuring implementation, 231
        rules & guidelines, 288
Right/left hand parts
        elimination of, 182
        late introductions, 23
        liability, 23
        manufacturability, 23
        market acceptance, 23
        material availability, 23
        minimizing all, 22
        quality & reliability, 23
        technical feasibility, 22
        time-to-market, 23
Robust design, 189, 198
ROI (return on Investment), 147
        problems without total cost, 147
Role in DFM, 34
        definition, 277
        design consideration, 18
        of repair, 220
Sales, minimizing costs, 133
Scheduling, 72
        and mass customization, 66
Screws, assembly motion, 170
Self-correction, 224
Self-tapping screws, use of, 171
Self-test, 224
Senge, Peter
        reinforcing loops, 145
Sequence errors, 232
Series reliability model, 202
        ease of, 16
        of snap together parts, 172
        using modular design, 70
Service on design team, 38
Setup elimination
        by design, 64
        by design of products, 66
        need for, 60
Shingling of parts, 191
        design consideration, 16
        direct to customers, 61
        direct to stores, 61
Shrink fits, tolerances, 173
Simplicity, key to reliability, 206
Simplify first, 62
Simulation, 9
Six Sigma, automatic soldering, 209
SKUs, and mass customization, 65
Slotted nuts, use of, 171
Snap together parts, 172
Snap-on fasteners, 172
Sockets, reliability impact, 209
Software, design for assembly, 15
Soldering, reliability impact, 209
Solid modeling, 10
Sources, DFM program, 275
        spare parts, 107
        availability, 217
        replacement, 217
Spare parts availability, 107
Spontaneous build-to-order, 61
Spontaneous part procurement, 62
Spontaneous supply chain, 61
Standard part lists
        consolidate duplicate parts, 84
        consolidate tolerances, 85
        education, 86
        how to generate, 83
        issuing the lists, 86
        new generation parts, 84
        ordering the list, 85
Pareto sorts, 83
        results, 88
        small % of old lists, 88
        strictness of enforcement, 87
Standard parts
        display boards, 98
        total cost metrics, 99
        use of, 179
Standardization, 75
        bar stock, 89
        benefits, 100
        design features, 179
        encouraging, 97
        guidelines, 179
        importance of, 99
        linear materials, 180
        of bend radii, 92
        of casting metal, 89
        of cutting tools, 93
        of expensive parts, 94
        of features, 92
        of holes, 92
        of linear materials, 90
        of molding plastic, 89
        of processes, 94
        of programmable chips, 90
        of protective coatings, 90
        of punches, 92
        of sheetmetal, 89
        of tools, 92
        of tubing, 89
        overcoming resistance, 94
        part count reduction, 81
        prerequisites for, 99
        printing wire while dispensing, 91
        zero-based approach, 81
Standardization benefits
        cost reduction, 100
        delivery quicker, 103
        flexibility, 101
        floor space reduction, 100
        inventory reduction, 100, 102
        just-in-time, 100
        overhead cost reduction, 100
        parts availability, 103
        purchasing leverage, 100
        quality, 101
        rationalizing suppliers products, 103
        responsiveness, 102
        setup elimination, 101
        suppliers stronger, 103
Standardization of raw materials, 89
Statistically significant analysis, 9
Statistics, product quality, 202
Stock Keeping Units (SKUs)
        and mass customization, 65
Store replenishment
        and mass customization, 66
Strategies, quality, 205
        build-to-order, 61
        do-it-right-the-first-time, 8
        fastening, 168
        PC board DFM, 257
        product design, 163
        test guidelines, 175
        tolerances, 188
Strictness of enforcement, 277
Structuring DFM information, 277
        connections, 220
        testing of, 175
        access, 219
        location, 221
        orientation, 220
        purchase and testing, 167
        use in assembly, 166
        consequences, severe, 145
        cross subsidies, 143
        custom by standard, 143
        downward spirals, 145
        enormous cross subsidies, 143
        good products pay for losers, 141
        low-volume by high-volume, 143
        of custom by standard, 129
Suggestions, DFM program, 275
Summary, DFM, 1
Supplier involvement, early, 38
Supplier selection
        low-bidder problems, 126
        total cost basis, 126
Suppliers designing parts, 111
Suppliers on design team, 38
Supply chain, minimizing costs, 134
Supply chain management, 62
        design consideration, 16
        simplifying with standardization, 75
Supply chain simplification, 62
        designing parts, 229
        guideline, 183
Taguchi methods, 198
        robust design, 189
Tangling of parts, guideline, 191
Team, focus, 41
Team leader, 41
Team members, 38
Teams, 6
        all present early, 45
        early formation, 41
        key to success, 41
Teams, design, 37
        early participation, 45
        success factors, 45
Technology, transitioning to new, 136
        overhead costs half from parts, 76
        part count reduction, 80
        varying material overhead rates, 98
        variable material overhead, 151
Test, ability to, 15
Test diagnostics, 176
Test effort, relationship to quality, 176
Test guidelines, 175
Test ports, 224
Test strategy, 175
        diagnostics or process controls, 177
        of sub-assemblies, 175
        PC boards, 267
        sub-assemblies, 167
        with standard instruments, 176
Testing parts in product, 218
Thinking out of the box, 28
Thruput reduction, 60, 72
        design, 71
        documentation, 71
        misconceptions about, 4
        competitive advantage of, 19
        design consideration, 19
        enhancing profits, 19
        improved with DFM, 10
        improved with group technology, 70
        improving with modular design, 70
        improved with purchased parts, 106
        most effective way to achieve, 6
        reducing 40%, 51
Timers, 224
Timing errors, 233
Tolerances, 186
        block or blanket, 189
        excessive, 187
        for automatic handling, 191
        philosophy, 188
        stack-up, 187
        step functions, 186
        strategy, 188
        worst-case, 187
Tolerances on target, 200
Tolerances within spec, 199
Tool changing, 93
Tool commonality, 216
Tool standardization, 92
Tooling complexity, minimizing, 184
        access, 165
        do-it-right-the-first-time, 9
        specifying common, 64
Total cost, 141
        decision making, 122
        focus in NPD, 122
        minimizing thru standardization, 95
        to avoid arbitrary decisions, 122
Total cost accounting, 141
        implementing, 154
        implementing approaches, 147
Total cost measurement, 141
        value, understanding, 146
Total cost thinking, 147
Trades, learning, 33
Training, 282
Transition into production, 106
Unscheduled maintenance, 222
Updating guidelines, 288
Upgrade, ability to, 166
        using modular design, 70
        with modular design, 70
Upgrading, design consideration, 19
Uptime, 223
Utilization improvements, 72
Utilization of machine tools, 130
Value-added services, 65
Variety, handling proactively, 65
Vendor partner relationships, 101
Vendor reduction, 101
Vendors, designing parts, 111
Virtual manufacturing
        how to compete with, 61
VLSI, 53
Voice of the customer, 47
Wall-Mart, and supply chain costs, 134
Warning devices, 225
Washers, use of, 170
Waste, elimination of, 59
Wave soldering, 257
Wear parts, 217
Wearout phase, 212
Web sales, and mass customization, 66
WIP inventory elimination, 60
WIP inventory reduction, 72
Womack, James P., 59
Work-in-Process inventory, 72
Working capital, 128
Worst case tolerances, 187
Write-offs of inventory
        eliminating with BTO, 136
Wrong part, guidelines to avoid, 229
Wrong position, avoiding errors, 230
Zero defects, 202
Zero-based standardization, 81
